zondag 2 maart 2014

no Paris vlogs :(

I am so so so sorry guys.(like no one is reading this or would watch the vlogs anyway but whatever)
I know i promised everyone that there would come vlogs about me in Paris.
But i have a really good reason why i can't make them.
And of course i am really disappointed cause i was really looking forward about going to Paris.

About a week ago my mom's jaw needed to be surgery.(sorry for the very poor English please correct me)
So than my moms eyes became angry (omg well google translate translate's it like this i dont know if you can also say it like this).Okay so they started hurting and she began crying.Her eyes also itched and stinged.(sting???)
But of course i can still make video's and articles.
I'm so sorry.

xoxo Yentl

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