vrijdag 6 juni 2014

Twilight tag

So I saw this tag on a blog.And I just looooove good book series.Especially when there are movie versions of the book to.O and I love to do tags.Let me know in the comments below if you know any good Youtube/blog tags.Thank you!

1. Which book in the series is your favorite?
My favorite book and movie is Eclipse.
2. How long did it take you to read the books?
Ehm I don't exactly know.But not very long.
3. Who introduced you to the books?
An old friend of mine she also introduced me to Harry Potter and the Hunger games.
4. Are you most looking forward to Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, or the movie?
I can't really answer this question.I loved midnight sun you can read it on the official Stephenie Meyer website.Because she never finished the book.Such a shame :(
5. What's your dream ending to the series?
Uhhh I would like to see a movie or book in the future.
6. Who is your favorite vampire?
7. Who is your favorite werewolf?
I don't really know.I would probably go for Jacob because he is one of the main characters.
8. What's one of your favorite quotes from the stories?
Fall down again Bella? No Emmett I punched a werewolf in the face.9. What was your favorite Bella/Edward moment?
I think all of the meadow scenes.
10. What was your favorite Bella/Jacob moment?

When Bella punched Jacob in his face.Or that time in New Moon when he Mike and Bella went to see a movie.
11. Which book cover was your favorite?
12. Who do you want to see Bella with most, Edward or Jacob?
13. Are you excited?
I don't get this question.
14. What do you think of the casting (for New Moon) so far?

It is good.(And I think that this tag is really old)15. Are you going to go see it?
I already saw it several times.I even have all the Twilight dvd's and the first two books.
16. In which book did you like Bella's character best?

17. In which book did you like Edward's character best?
18. In which book did you like Jacob's character best?
19. If it were possible, who would you want to meet?

This was the tag I hope everyone liked it bye xx

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